Friday, June 6, 2008

Is there a merit badge for this?

While in Colorado Brock and his cousin Ian thought they
would see how high they(meaning Brock) could throw Ian's keys in the air.
Just a note of caution to all: Do not throw keys in the air around a
tall pine tree, they will get caught in the branches.!!!
The boys quickly learned that a small ladder was not going to work.
So they had to go and find a taller ladder. Luckily there was one around.
Kirt and his Brother Marlin made sure the boys did most of the work at getting
the keys out of the tree.

Since Brock threw them he was the one who had to climb the
ladder. Brock finally got them down with the help of a broom
handle. After getting down off the ladder both dads made sure
the boys put everything back.

As I was taking pictures Brock was asking if I was going to blog
this. You should have heard the whines and begging me not to,
when I told him I definitely was:)
If there was a merit badge for this the boys sure would have
earned that day!
(This all happened during the rehearsal dinner at the church house)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

NIICE!!!! Way to go Dad's for the follow through:)