Thursday, April 3, 2008

Where would you like to live?

Where would you like to live? That was the question at last nights dinner. It sparked some good conversation and even a little debate, which was fun! You can see from the pictures above what the top four answers were. Here are some of the reasons why.

Alaska : Because it would be far enough away from family! (the debate answer)

Colorado: We could be closer to Grandma and Grandpa McNeil

Texas: Far enough away but close enough if we had to come back and visit! ( I liked the Texas idea because it would mean that We could be closer to Amanda and Katrina)

Washington state(specifically Seattle area): Not to cold and not to hot! and just wet enough!
( I liked Washington too, because that is where I remember growing up as a little kid)

There was no rhyme or reason for the question just something to start a conversation. No we are not moving but if we could I would suspect that any one of these places would be on our top places to go!


Jenn Toon said...

Fun question! I'll have to bring that one up at the dinner table soon!
I'm all for TX or CO, too!

Jamie said...

I'd stay here because it's too much trouble to move!!