Monday, March 24, 2008

Can I???

Can I murmur, complain, and whine a little bit???

My husband has been sick for the past couple of days and I have not seem him this bad in a while. He is having a hard time breathing, and he itches on the inside! Which makes me think he is having an allergic reaction to something! He is also running a slight fever. I hope he will be able to see the Dr today! I don't know what is worse sick kids or a sick husband!?!

I am really stressed out today! I have to go in for a colonoscopy tomorrow! Yes I have had this done before! I can not count on two hands how many I have had this done. Yes I have Ulcerative colitis! (a disease of the colon) Every year I have to go in and have a colonoscopy and the prep for it is worse than the procedure. I cant eat any solid foods today and then about five pm I will have to do a colon cleanse. So I will be sitting on the porcelain throne all evening long! I cant wait for tomorrow when they knock me out and I can sleep!

This spring break was a little to stressful for me and I am soooo.. glad that the kids are back in school. :) When my husband is better and I am done with my procedure, I will be one happy camper!!!


Jenn Toon said...

Oh Man! You deserve to complain, whine, curl up in a ball and go numb!!!
Hope it gets better soon and you are relieved of all undue stress!!!!

Crazymamaof6 said...

OH THAT SUCKS! i'd be more than murmuring! YUCK! and NO WAY is that fun! along with a sick hubby! i'd be totally tressed and freaking out!
you rock! you can do it! hope it goes great for you!
WHOOHOO for the kids back in school!
at least they are outta the way. YIKES!

hugs for you!

hope he's feeling better soon. and everything goes well for you!

Jamie said...

Sorry Sis I know you HATE these fun times. Sorry I asked you to babysit the day after. I owe you lunch!!