Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Memory Lane Monday (on tuesday)

I Love looking at others blogs on monday and seeing the memories that they post. One of my favorite memories is from when I was about eight or nine. We lived in Tacoma Washington and in April they have a Daffodil Parade. I rember my dad and mom getting all of us dressed and ready to go to the parade. That was quite a feat with six kids and having to prepared for rain or sun shine. For the most part, I remember the sun shining for the parade. I loved everything about the parade, but thing I rember most is the smell of the daffodils and being excited when the Jr. Daffodils would come up and hand out flowers to all the kids along the parade route. I thought I was sooo cool to be able to come home with a handful of Daffodils. Maybe thats why the Daffodil is one of my favorite flowers.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I do not remember that at all!!!!I do love Dafodils though and of course my fav the Tulip