Monday, January 5, 2009


I think I have finally come up with my word for the year!


I ended last year by getting something new and I have started this year by learning all about it and I am having more fun than I should be allowed :) I have also learned some hard lessons with this and I am grateful for that too! ( I shot pictures for a birthday party and I lost a memory card full of pictures when my computer had a melt down with my sd card in the slot)

I also learned another hard lesson ! I learned that when you get carmel corn as a christmas present be careful when eating, you could crack a tooth and need a crown ! I went in today for a build up and a crown today. Thank goodness I did not need the build up but Note to self: Do not let the Dr. drill when things are not all the way numb, It causes severe pain!

In our ward our Bishop challenged us to read all the talks given by President Monson in the last General Conference. I found this and thought it fit my word for the year pretty well:

Learn what we should learn.
Do what we should do.
Be what we should be.

Hopefully I can put all three into practice!


Jamie said...

Great word!!!! So sorry about that Sd card. YIKES!!!!!!!

Kriese Family said...

Great word- I love it!!