Friday, January 30, 2009

Last week...


Last week was my 40th birthday! I keep telling myself that I cant be that old! I still feel like I am nineteen. I had a wonderful birthday ! I was surrounded by friends and family for lunch at Macaroni Grill. I was very spoiled by everyone. I love having my birthday at the end of January because most everything I get is usually pink and geared toward Valentines day! Thank you so much for everything! I don't think I tell my friends thank you enough:)

For dinner that evening my Dear Husband and Children took me out to dinner at Mi Amigos! It was great not having to cook or clean that day! Thanks Kirt :)

The next day all of the sisters in my family got together and had lunch for my Mothers Birthday. My mother never had a birthday lunch and it was great to be able to go out to lunch with her and all my sisters! I got a great card and magnet from my sister Candace! It has been a hit around here. The magnet is a "how are you feeling today" one and it is funny to see where everyone puts the frame for how they feel! I think all of us sisters need to do lunch a little more often:)


Jamie said...

I LOVE that wall no pun intended. It was fun to go with the girls. I think you are nineteen too!!

Crazymamaof6 said...

HOLY COW SO STINKING CUTE! darling valentines loot. love love it!