Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Sacred Moment

I love to have those sacred teaching moments with my kids, and today we had one. Kade decided to watch our video of " Finding Faith in Christ". I was skeptical that he would actually sit down and watch it, but he did. As I sat there with Kade, he started asking questions. He asked "Why is Christ the light of the world?" My reply with out thinking to much was "Because he is the Son of God." I started getting choked up as I thought on what I was saying and realizing again the similarities between our temporal sun and Christ. Kade seemed to understand and kept asking me questions, and I kept marveling at my answers. Heavenly Father Does Love us and Sends us Angels especially when we need it the most! I needed one today and I am so thankful for the Sacred moment we had.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

So sweeet!! Hopefully he will always remember these teaching moments:)