Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am trying ...

I have been trying to keep up but, it has been hard the last couple of weeks!

I have been busy with:

  • getting a crown
  • going to Colorado for a wedding
  • coming back and needing a root canal badly because I spent my whole trip in SEVERE PAIN!
  • Trying to catch up on laundry and house work.
  • Getting ready for a primary activity day
  • running errends, babysitting
  • going to birthday parties
  • Mother daughter enrichment night
  • and finally getting a chance to edit pictures and start a new photo journal blog for all my pictures!

I hope tomorrow I can get a chance to come up for air and breath a little before we start into another hectic week!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yep just breate!!!!! Fun new blog:):)