Friday, September 5, 2008

Unwelcome Visitors!

At 6:00 am today I woke up and went into the kitchen to help my kids get breakfast and get them going for the day which is my typical everyday ritual! Well as I sat down to eat breakfast I noticed something crawling on the floor! It was an ant! I thought if there is one, there has to be more, and sure enough as soon as I thought that I felt something biting my toes! My toes were right in the path of some ants!!! I Looked around and saw that my floor was covered in ants from the end of the dining room to the back wall of the kitchen! I dint know how I missed seeing them before then. So I had to leave my frosted flakes soaking in milk on the table while I got up and started cleaning! Chantel got out the vacuum and began to vacuum them up while I got the ant killer and went out and sprayed the line of ants that were coming in! As I got to the ant hill I was a little freaked out that it wasn't just a single ant hill but a three foot long string of ant hills! I sprayed the hills and came back inside to help finish up with the cleaning ! After vacuuming, sweeping and mopping the floor I was able to sit down and finish my soggy frosted flakes !

I called my husband at work and told him of the unwelcome visitors that I had ,and he said he would work on that tomorrow so that I wouldn't have to worry about having any more unwelcome visitors for breakfast!


Elder Davis said...

I hate it when stuff like that happens. We're being over run by black widows and crickets. Pest control comming on Wed. can't wait.

Thanks for the award! You're awsome.

Elder Davis said...
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Heather said...

I had an ant problem a while back. They were on the counter around my sink area?? My pest control guy nabbed them quick and they have not been back to the Jacobson's since! YEA!
On the other hand, we found termite tracks in our garage. My bug guy is coming out Tuesday. :(

Crazymamaof6 said...

we are having the same problem! lots of ants. even when it's clean. we need to treat out yards. it's bad this year.

Jamie said...

DOn't send them my way. They are not welcome here either!