Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ha! I have Proof...

For all of you that never see me with my husband, I have proof that I am married and have been as of today for 17 Years! After all these years we finally made it out to eat for our anniversary! We enjoyed a quiet dinner at Mi Amigos! Yeah!!!! Those of you who know our track record will agree that this is a big accomplishment! WhoHoooo! So overall today was good and I am thankful and counting my blessings!


Cajsa said...

17 YEARS!!!!!!! WOW!!! Congrats!! I didnt know it was that long wow! Thats awesome! I hope you had a great night!!!!!!

Jamie said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! 17yrs???? Has it really been that long?

Crazymamaof6 said...

whoohooo! happy anniversary! and dinner out! fabulous!