Lately there has been to much going on here for me to blog about! I would love to post pictures but my camera broke and I cant find the
SD card for the second one we have. Oh well! Any suggestions for a new one???
I want to blog about other things but I cant! Maybe I will later! Just some more stress and complaining that happens every time I have to get ready to go out of town. My brother in law Sven is getting married on the 25t
h of May in Colorado! So all of you moms probably know why I am stressed out ! I have to find new (hopefully matching) Sunday outfits for everyone (except
Kirt he has to wear a tux). I need some clothes to wear up there because it is still a little cold there! Try to find time to go shopping(for food and clothing) around babysitting and picking up kids. Have everything taken care of for church on the
Sunday's I will be gone. Get housework done so I
don't have to worry about it when we get back.
Whew!! I am tired just thinking about all that needs to be done! Anyway thanks for letting me vent!
I hope you all are having a wonderful day!!