Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What a day we had!

Lately we have some struggles with Kade! He is testing out his boundaries and learning what Mom and Dad will and wont let him get away with. Today to keep him busy we made our own "I Spy" pages. It was fun to see him build his page and ask me what I spied. Later in the afternoon after running kids to their lessons, Kade decided that he wanted to go to McD's. After Kirt and I both telling him no, he staged a protest. He sat in his carseat for at leat 30 minutes. The pictures below tell the story! I finally got him settled down and in the house when I had to leave and go get the older kids. When I got back I learned that Kirt had sent him to bed because he acted up again. I went in to check on him and I found him sound asleep in his bed.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

K that is hilarious that you stood there and took all those fabulous pictures. Blackmail when he is older came to mind. That dang Mc Donalds will get you everytime.