Friday, November 9, 2007

Just for fun....

Today I thought I would list all the things I did just for fun and not so fun!!

1. I woke up 40 min.'s late and had to rush to get kids to school on time.

2. I let Kade play games on the computer while I watched part of a tv show.

3. I took a drill over to a friend so she could borrow it. She is making christmas crafts for a boutique. I ended up staying for a couple of hours while Kade played with her daughter and now he has bumps, bruises and a scrape on his neck that looks like a hickie. Kirt and I both are laughing about that one.

4. I curled my hair only to not like it and wet it down again and blow dry it straight.

5. I had to put Kade into the car kicking and screaming and no shoes on to go do car pool. The poor kids in the car were absolutly afraid of Kade and covering their poor ears to try and not hear him screaming.

6. I called my dear husband during Kades out burst so I could share with him how my day was going!

7. I went with my friend and helped her take her crafts to the Kandy Kane Castle Boutique. I just love all the things she made. It is always fun to go to boutiques and see what others are making.

8. I made grilled hamburgers for dinner. For us having hamburgers is a treat!

9. After dinner my dear husband knowing the kind of day I had took me with him to run a couple of errands. After the errands we stopped at Neilson's Frozen Custard! YUM!!!!!

10. After coming home from there I had to rush Brock over to an other friends house to have her help him with a cello part he is working on for our primary program on sunday.

After all that my husband let me veg in front of the computer and have some time alone while he entertained the kids! Thank You Kirt, I really needed it today!


Kriese Family said...

you're scoring brownie points there Kirt!!

Jamie said...

Yucky Mom day!! Nothing like a screaming kid to top it off. Yeah for an outing alone w/kirt!!

onehm said...

What a sweet hubby to do all those great it when they are able to see what we need and fulfill it!