Monday, November 19, 2007


For me my reading consists of reading bedtime stories, scriptures and it seem that the only reading time I get is on Sunday, as I read the ward bulletin during sacrament meeting. However, a friend in the ward said that she just finished a book and told me it was one of the best books she ever read. I was skeptical since I dont have time to read all that much and sitting still is about impossible for me. Well needless to say I spent some time on saturday night reading and I got entranced in this book. I finished the book about 10:30 last night. I never have read a book that fast. I tried to recall the last book I read, I figured out that is was four years ago when I was on complete bedrest with my pregnancy. My daughter now wants to read it and I want to read the rest of the books in the series. I guess it might end up being a christmas present from Santa to Us.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I still have not read the 2nd and 3rd in this series.