Friday, January 30, 2009

Last week...


Last week was my 40th birthday! I keep telling myself that I cant be that old! I still feel like I am nineteen. I had a wonderful birthday ! I was surrounded by friends and family for lunch at Macaroni Grill. I was very spoiled by everyone. I love having my birthday at the end of January because most everything I get is usually pink and geared toward Valentines day! Thank you so much for everything! I don't think I tell my friends thank you enough:)

For dinner that evening my Dear Husband and Children took me out to dinner at Mi Amigos! It was great not having to cook or clean that day! Thanks Kirt :)

The next day all of the sisters in my family got together and had lunch for my Mothers Birthday. My mother never had a birthday lunch and it was great to be able to go out to lunch with her and all my sisters! I got a great card and magnet from my sister Candace! It has been a hit around here. The magnet is a "how are you feeling today" one and it is funny to see where everyone puts the frame for how they feel! I think all of us sisters need to do lunch a little more often:)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Sacred Moment

I love to have those sacred teaching moments with my kids, and today we had one. Kade decided to watch our video of " Finding Faith in Christ". I was skeptical that he would actually sit down and watch it, but he did. As I sat there with Kade, he started asking questions. He asked "Why is Christ the light of the world?" My reply with out thinking to much was "Because he is the Son of God." I started getting choked up as I thought on what I was saying and realizing again the similarities between our temporal sun and Christ. Kade seemed to understand and kept asking me questions, and I kept marveling at my answers. Heavenly Father Does Love us and Sends us Angels especially when we need it the most! I needed one today and I am so thankful for the Sacred moment we had.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A day at the Zoo

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We spent monday at the zoo with friends! It was lots of fun! We started the day of with the Sting rays! I think most everyone got splashed:) The boys had fun on the spider web and climbing up on the post to sit.

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Kiley was too fun:) Here she is showing me her muscles! By the end of Bonnie was one of the lucky ones to get a ride in the wagon pulled by the kids.

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We had quite a group of boys! (Seth and Kade were missing in this picture) Chantel and Kiley were the only girls!

I had to much fun taking pictures, I think I took too many!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am trying ...

I have been trying to keep up but, it has been hard the last couple of weeks!

I have been busy with:

  • getting a crown
  • going to Colorado for a wedding
  • coming back and needing a root canal badly because I spent my whole trip in SEVERE PAIN!
  • Trying to catch up on laundry and house work.
  • Getting ready for a primary activity day
  • running errends, babysitting
  • going to birthday parties
  • Mother daughter enrichment night
  • and finally getting a chance to edit pictures and start a new photo journal blog for all my pictures!

I hope tomorrow I can get a chance to come up for air and breath a little before we start into another hectic week!

Monday, January 5, 2009


I think I have finally come up with my word for the year!


I ended last year by getting something new and I have started this year by learning all about it and I am having more fun than I should be allowed :) I have also learned some hard lessons with this and I am grateful for that too! ( I shot pictures for a birthday party and I lost a memory card full of pictures when my computer had a melt down with my sd card in the slot)

I also learned another hard lesson ! I learned that when you get carmel corn as a christmas present be careful when eating, you could crack a tooth and need a crown ! I went in today for a build up and a crown today. Thank goodness I did not need the build up but Note to self: Do not let the Dr. drill when things are not all the way numb, It causes severe pain!

In our ward our Bishop challenged us to read all the talks given by President Monson in the last General Conference. I found this and thought it fit my word for the year pretty well:

Learn what we should learn.
Do what we should do.
Be what we should be.

Hopefully I can put all three into practice!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I had way to much fun Today:) Can you Tell?

Of Course I owe my Dear Sister big for helping with this today!


It was sooo much fun to take these GREAT to be Eight pictures of "Perdy" ! She was so fun and a good sport for being the first one to for me to experiment with. I have learned so much and I cant wait to learn more!