Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our Veterans Day in Pictures! (and lots of them)

We started today out by going to the Veterans day Parade! It started out with all the good intentions! It was awesome we left a little early to try and get a good parking spot and it worked! NO troubles there! And we had no troubles finding a good spot to sit. It was somewhat it the shade so that Baby M wouldnt be in the sun and burn her Cute little bald head! Everything was going ok, Kade was calm and watching airplanes pass and balloons fly into the air! Baby M was kicking back in the stroller watching people and clapping as they went by!

Kade even made some friends with these really cute girls.(one happens to be a daughter of a Girl that I grew up with )

I knew things were going too good when Baby M fell asleep! I guess Kade had, had enough because he started being just a little heathen! He would not stop cyring and whining! To make matters worse, I have been sick and I have almost , but not completely, lost my voice! So kade took advantage of it and we ended up leaving the parade early! Maybe we should have taken hints from the baby and stayed home and slept!
After we were home for a little bit and everything had calmed down we were invited to go to the zoo with my sister Diaper Diva!

The kids had fun together!

They got to see the otters, which are never out when we go! We also got to see the elephants and play around!

The weather was perfect and the zoo was not crowded and it was a nice relaxing end to a somewhat stressful morning! Thanks for inviting us!


Jamie said...

It was SOOO fun thanks for hangin with us!!

Ephraim and Laura said...

Hey Kaydee,
We were admiring your blog and it inspired us to create one of our own. We just thought you might want to add us to your blog list. http://bicycleobsessions.blogspot.com/

Heather said...

What a fun day! The parade was much bigger this year. It is great weather for the zoo.