Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am Thanful for....

In preparation for Thanksgiving my Sister in Law Amber had us do something special. We drew names of those in our family and wrote a little paragraph of why we are thankful for that certain person. I loved it and thought it was a perfect start for our Thanksgiving and I hope it will remind us of all the reasons we are truly thankful for the family and friends in our lives.

Chantel wrote:

I am thankful for my Dad. He is amazing. He is always willing to help me with everything. I am thankful for him helping me with my homework when I need it. He can do anything, I LOVE my dad.

Kade wrote:

I am thankful for Brock because he plays PlayStation with me! He also helps me pick up my toys.

Brock wrote:

I am thankful for my Mom because she helps us with almost everything when I am not home. She cleans my room and dusts the front room and just about everything else. The words to tell her how thankful I am for her do not exist.

KayDee wrote:

I am thankful for Chantel for many reasons (to many to write down). I am thankful that she loves music and is always singing or playing the piano, and that helps the mood in the house. I am thankful that she has a strong testimony and a soft heart. Chantel is an example to everyone she meets. I am also very thankful for all she does in helping me when I need it.

Kirt wrote:

I am thankful for Kade because I got a chance to be part of his life as a baby and toddler that I did not get with Chantel and Brock. I missed a majority of each of theirs because I was busy working working and going to school and was gone all the time. Kade also loves to help me no matter what I am doing and it is very fun to teach him how to do stuff and spend time with him.


Jamie said...

OH fabulous idea and what sweet words and tributes to eachother. Very touching!!:) I am grateful for Chantel and her willingness to rescue me today!!!!!

onehm said...

That is SO SWEET. What a great idea. I think we may have to do that!!

Ashley Dent said...

Very sweet and what a fun tradition!