Monday, April 27, 2009


The new villian in town!
That's right it's me!
I am best known for asking my children to do chores and actually having them do them! I am sooo evil! (insert evil cackle here)
My Dear husband and children bestowed this Honor on me on saturday!
I even lived up to my reputation this morning as I asked my two oldest to do dishes! All they had to do was fill the dishwasher! Yep ! that was pure evil of me! Did it get done? Sure did ! I did it! Maybe I should use some of my unkown powers and have them do the rest of todays dishes By HAND! (insert another evil cackle here)
Well I had better go! One of my duties each day is to sit around and think of all the other evil things I have to make my kids do! Better get right on it! I wonder now with all my super evil powers if I will melt when I take a shower! Well here goes nothing!
To all you other evil moms have a wonderfully evil day:) (you can insert another evil cackle here if you want)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

oooooooh I'm shaking. Poor kids have to do chores. Awwwwww, sorry no sympthahy here. My kids, I am sure are glad we were born with similar evil powers.